Diagnostic Criteria of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED)
If you fit only some, but not all, of the symptoms mentioned in AN, BN and BED, you may probably be categorized as Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder . Actually, Those cases generally occur more often all over the world. It might reflect only the problem of categorization, but did not necessary mean that it is less severe than AN or BN. Therefore, people with Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder should not ignore their problems because they are actually standing in the spectrum of eating disorders, swinging from AN to BN or vice versa. Patients with Diagnostic Criteria of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED) still need interventions.
- Night Eating Syndrome
- Morning anorexia
- Evening Hyperphagia (energy intake is reduced in the first half of the day and greatly increased in the second half, 50% of the daily caloric intake after 7pm)
- Delay of circadian timing of food intake
- Initial insomnia (difficult to fall asleep) and get up at night for eating at least once
- Awareness of nocturnal eating episode
- No compensatory behavior after eating
- Associated with obesity after the onset of symptoms (having normal weight before)
- Worsen with stress, high cormorbidity with depression